JOEYS work was etched on the lazer cutter
a sample of KELLYS stencils & paint
KELLYS intricate lazer cut
PATS paint and screen print
ALICEs screen print with hand stitch on top
GEEs tiny machine freehand stitch
JOEs complex freehand machine stitch
ALEX LEEs highly complex app lazer cut etched on to wood and plastic
TOBYs perfectly photoshopped lazer cut
TOBYs great use of freehand machine stitch
SYDs flowing screenprint, stitch and lazer etched work
AMBERs app was cut on the vinyl cutter to make a sticker
CONNORs screen print
MITCHs work was a still from his video, which was lazer cut into mount card
excellent machine freehand stitch by MITCH
JENNYs app was screen printed then hand stitched on top
SHANICE did a range of screenprinted work
JOEs screenprinted and machine hand stitched designs
TOBYs procien dye work, following on from his excellent rotoscoping
AMBERs screen print with lovely handstitch on top
AMBERs lazer cut design