Wednesday, 18 September 2013


In June, it was Final Exhibition time . The Level 2 studio students exhibited their work in response to the Bristol trip, and the work was diverse and excellent, as shown by this selection of work:

Tuesday, 23 April 2013


For research for our Final Major Project, we went to Nelson St, and Stokes Croft China & Murals.
We did china and graffiti workshops there, which had the following amazing outcomes ...

Monday, 4 March 2013


For this part of the Apps project, we took our design into textiles and 3d design .. we experimented with a lot of new techniques, and have some really excellent results across the whole group - well done everyone :)

JOEYS work was etched on the lazer cutter

a sample of KELLYS stencils & paint

KELLYS intricate lazer cut

PATS paint and screen print

ALICEs screen print with hand stitch on top

GEEs tiny machine freehand stitch

JOEs complex freehand machine stitch

ALEX LEEs highly complex app lazer cut etched on to wood and plastic

TOBYs perfectly photoshopped lazer cut

TOBYs great use of freehand machine stitch

SYDs flowing screenprint, stitch and lazer etched work

AMBERs app was cut on the vinyl cutter to make a sticker

CONNORs screen print

MITCHs work was a still from his video, which was lazer cut into mount card

excellent machine freehand stitch by MITCH

JENNYs app was screen printed then hand stitched on top

SHANICE did a range of screenprinted work

JOEs screenprinted and machine hand stitched designs

TOBYs procien dye work, following on from his excellent rotoscoping

AMBERs screen print with lovely handstitch on top

AMBERs lazer cut design

Tuesday, 12 February 2013


This week we have moved our App designs into textiles - and these are some of the AmaZiNg results from screenprinting  :